Autumn 1 2024

We will continue to learn phonic every day using our Monsters Phonics. They recap sounds taught in Reception and learn some new Year 1 sounds. We will also learn common exception words each week an children will come home with some of these to practise spelling. 
Children will continue to come home with their reading book and yellow reading record book each day. They will have already read this book at school so it will be familiar to them. We expect children read this book 4 times per week at home to support fluency, confidence and reading with success. 
We have stickers and reading critters the children can achieve as they read regularly at home. 
Please sign/comment in the reading diary each time they have read so this can be logged each day. Please ensure both reading book and record book is in school each day. 
Enquiry: What is the geography of where I live?
Children will look at the Geography of where they live in the United Kingdom. They will look at the locality using Google Earth and find out what the land around them is used for. They will observe and describe a range of human and physical features of our school grounds. 
Enquiry: How do our favourite toys and games compare to those of children in the 1960's?
We will begin the term by looking at how we divide up time as historians. We will look at events over time sorting these into chronological order to create our own class timeline. We will find out about the most popular toys and games in the 1960's and compare these with toys and games we have today.  We will speak to people we know who can remember the toys they used to play with and ask them questions to find out what they were. 
At home: ask someone you know who was alive in the 1960's what their favourite toys were and how they were used.
The children will continue with our Jigsaw programme and meet Jigsaw Jack as they learn about 'Being Me in My World'.
Programming: Moving a robot
Children will be introduced to early programming concepts. We will explore using individual commands, both with our friends and as part of a computer program. We will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs. Children will be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.
To begin the half term we will look at the Place Value of numbers to 10. Children will build on prior knowledge to be able to read, write and count with numbers 0-10, We will introduce a range of new maths models and develop their recording skills.
The children will learn to find one more and one less and compare numbers using the language of greater than and fewer than using objects, pictures and number lines. 
Why not play this interactive game to order numbers up to 10:
We will continue to use Drawing Club in our English lessons to develop imagination and creativity in writing. In Year 1 we follow Curious Quest where each week we will be sent a book to read and a quests to go on by Professor Klunk. These quests will encourage us to invent new ideas through class discussions. We will either draw or construct our inventions then we will write 'codes' (sentences) to match our work for Professor Klunk. The children will be encourages to apply their phonics knowledge to their writing and will be taught how to use capital letter and full stops and to use finger spaces. 
Children learn about the four seasons and the weather associated with each. They will explore how seasonal changes affect trees, daylight hours and clothing choices.  They plan and carry out their own weather reports, considering the knowledge required for this job.
The children will develop their teamwork skills then focus on their balance, co-ordination and agility skills.
This term the children will focus on painting.  We will learn about primary colours and look at the work of Mondrian and create paintings in the style of Mondrian.  The children will develop control when painting with thick and thin brushes, adding colours to a colour wheel.  We will learn how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours and look at the work of Kusama, creating paintings in this style.   We will look at some examples of Cartoon and Doodle Art and talk about what we can see.  The children will have the opportunity to select different materials to create their own art. Finally we will look at the role of craftmakers, thinking particularly about printing.
Design Technology

Cooking and Nutrition - Fruit and Vegetables

The children will learn to distinguish between fruit and vegetables and where they grow. We will design a fruit or vegetable kebab and accompanying packaging.


Who do Christians say made the world?

Children will learn about the Christian creation story. We will learn about the key events within the story and be able to retell it using key vocabulary. We will begin to understand that some Christians believe different things about creation. We will consider how Christians may act in response to creation and why they may choose to praise God for it.

Children will learn about pulse, how to find it and how to move our body to a beat. We will find out how pulse can be represented using symbols and the link between beat and rhythm.