Maths Overview


Our Maths Co-ordinator is Mrs Julie Kelly

The purpose of Mathematics in the National Curriculum is to provide children with a foundation for understanding the world and to have the ability to reason mathematically. Our Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically and can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of situations.

At Amble Links Primary School, Maths is taught on a daily basis in Reception, KS1 and KS2.

Maths in KS1 and KS2 is taught using White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning to give us a clear progression. Each lesson is adapted to suit the needs or our children. Opportunities are given for the children to deepen their understanding of the concept being taught through reasoning and problem solving challenges. Arithmetic and Reasoning in KS1 and KS2 consists of number and place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; and fractions.

Across Early Years, all children have access to a maths rich environment both indoors and outdoors. Opportunities of problem solving are addressed in our day-to-day routines. 

As part of the Early Years curriculum, the children in Nursery are regularly accessing maths activities within the environment linked to number, shape, space and measure.

In Reception, children focus on a 'Mastering Number' programme where children develop and consolidate their understanding of number. Opportunities are provided for the children to enhance all areas of mathematical areas. Adult led activities are set according to individual needs. Evidence of children's learning both adult led and independent are shared with parents via Tapestry.

Yearly overviews of maths teaching objectives for Years 1 to 5 are available to download below.

Our Maths Calculation Policy provides further information about our approaches to teaching mathematics through concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. (See attachment)

Click here to view the full National Curriculum Programme of Study that we follow for Mathematics.

At Amble Links, each child from Reception to Year 5, has access to DoodleMaths to raise confidence and attainment. DoodleMaths continually assesses the children's strengths and weaknesses against every age-related expectation (ARE) in the National Curriculum, identifying gaps in their knowledge and assigning work that is just at the right level.
DoodleMaths is primarily used as a homework tool although we encourage the children to access DoodleMaths daily as a 'little and often' approach will build their confidence and attainment. The children's activity on DoodleMaths is closely monitored by the class teacher. If needed, additional extras are assigned to a whole class or to specific children. This can be used to support any areas of weakness or supplement learning from whole class Maths lessons.
Learning at Home
The websites below have been carefully selected to enhance your child's maths learning at home. Why not give them a try!
Numberblocks - Children in Early Years use Numberblocks to support their understanding of number.
DoodleMaths - Covering all aspects of The National Curriculum from Reception to Year 6.
Mathsbot - A variety of online resources to support independent learning.
BBC Bitesize - A range of games and information for Reception