Puffins Autumn 1 2024

Welcome to the Puffins!
The children will be introduced to three versions of Goldilocks. Initially, they will familiarise themselves with the traditional version of the tale and identify the structure and elements of a traditional tale. The children will focus on adjectives to describe Goldilocks and using this to create a 'Wanted' poster. They will work towards writing a sequel to the original story, where Goldilocks meets the the bears many years later. The use of role play will support the children with this.
Monster Phonics
For Year 2, Monster Phonics will focus on the Year 2 National Curriculum Spelling Programme. Tricky Witch will support us in learning different spelling patterns for known sounds. 
PSHE - Jigsaw
Being Me in My World

The children will begin by identifying some of their hopes and fears for this year. They will then move on to discuss rights and responsibilities of being a member of the class and contribute ideas about rewards and consequences. They will use their ideas to create a class charter to refer to throughout the year.

Design Technology

The children will explore stability and methods to strengthen structures, to understand Baby Bear's chair weaknesses and develop an improved solution for him to use.

Familiarise yourself with the story by listening to the story or reading the book.

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Religious Education 
What is the good news Christians say Jesus brings? Part 1

In this unit, children will learn about the concept of ‘Gospel’ and the good news of forgiveness, peace and love that Christians believe Jesus brings. Children will learn about Matthew the Tax Collector and how Christians believe that Jesus offers forgiveness, looking at their heart rather than what they have done in the past. Children will learn about the instructions that Jesus gives in the Bible and how Christians follow his example and these instructions in order to behave in a Christ like way. Children will take time to consider whether Jesus’ good news is only good news for Christians or whether there are things for people from different worldviews to consider.

Art and Design
Focus: Painting

This term the children will look at examples of Still Life as a style of Art and talk about what we can see and how the paintings make us feel.  Our focus this term is painting and the children will be introduced to tints and shades.  They will explore everyday objects, matching them to tints and shades using a colour chart. Then we will look at monochromatic art and photography.  The children will study how Cezanne used tints and shades to create artwork and begin to compare it to the modern art of Shepard Fairy. They will mix and add varying amounts of white and black to their base colour to paint tints and shades.  The children will have the opportunity to select different materials to create their own drawing, paintings or sculpture.  Finally we will look at the role of a designer, thinking particularly about car designers.

During this half term, the focus for our Maths lessons will be Place Value and Addition and Subtraction. The children will be working with numbers to 100 and learn the value of each digit. The children will be using concrete manipulative to develop their understanding and then this will develop to pictorial representations.
Support you child at home by downloading the DoodleMaths App or access DoodleMaths online. We encourage the children to access DoodleMaths daily to develop their mathematical skills and understanding. We expect the children to be in the Green Zone by the end of the week as part of their homework.
Click on the link: DoodleMaths
Mastering Number
The children will continue with their journey in Mastering Number in Year 2. The children will develop good number sense and have automativity in number facts.
Living Things: Habitats
The children will work scientifically by classifying objects into alive, was once alive and has never been alive. They will explore different habitats , naming plants and animals that can be found there. The children will learn how a range of different living things depend on each other for food and shelter. They will explore this further by creating food chains to show the sequence that living things eat each other for energy to grow and stay healthy.
Physical Education
Focus: Dodging

Throughout our PE lessons this half term, the children will participate in a range of activities to develop their skills and techniques of dodging and apply this into games.

Year 2 PE will be on Friday each week. Please ensure that the children come to school wearing their PE kit on this day. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. 

Puffins will be swimming each week during the Autumn term, which will be on a Tuesday. Like PE days, please ensure children come to school in their PE kit and earrings are removed.

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During the Autumn term, the children will explore the question, 'What does it take to be a great explorer?'. The children will explore the achievemnts of Ranulph Fiennes, Amy Johnson, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstring and discover the personal qualities it takes to be a 'great explorer'. Watch live footage of Neil Armstrong's moon landing...how do you think he felt?
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This term, the children will explore the question, 'Why don't penguins need to fly?'. Through stories, maps and atlases, the children will discover what live is like in Antarctica and compare this with the Arctic and Sahara Desert.
Focus: Musical Devices
The children will explore conjunct and disjunct movement by listening to, performing and composing a musical story. They will also explore imitation, musical sequences, musical riffs and musical drones by listening to, performing and composing musical patterns.
Focus: Computing systems and networks: IT around us

How is information technology (IT) being used for good in our lives? With an initial focus on IT in the home, children explore how IT benefits society in places such as shops, libraries, and hospitals. Whilst discussing the responsible use of technology, and how to make smart choices when using it.